

Trinity School is a Catholic, independent, Pre-K, Primary and Middle School, a place where children learn to love learning. The primary purpose of Trinity’s education is to maintain a program that challenges the students in a Christian environment. The uniqueness of each person is recognized, accepted and respected. The teachers encourage each individual to achieve to his or her fullest capacity in a caring environment.

Religious values form the center of the program. Proclaiming the Gospel, creating Christian community, and coming together in prayer and service to others are integral to religious instruction. Trinity is committed to nurturing self-respect, self-discipline, self-direction and acceptance of moral responsibility for one’s actions. Skills in leadership, decision-making, and conflict resolution are taught. Trinity strives to be a community of peacemakers.

Trinity offers a strong academic curriculum with expanding and enriching programs in all disciplines. The primary focus of the program is to teach children to learn how to learn. Instruction centers on skill-building across the various disciplines including: reading and writing skills, computation, problem solving, the scientific method, technology skills, critical thinking, historical and geographical inquiry, study skills and creative expression.

Trinity School strives to maintain a student population that is enriched by economic, cultural, and ethnic diversity. Trinity seeks to prepare students to interact in a diverse society and to assume responsibility for community development through service and out-reach programs. By learning how to sacrifice for others and to share resources with the needy, the children are taught to be responsible citizens in a global society.

Trinity is a family-centered school. Parents and teachers form a partnership, working together to achieve the best for the children. Opportunities for growth and involvement are made available to the entire family throughout the Trinity experience.

Every aspect of the Trinity philosophy nurtures the total child, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and academically. The fostering of a positive self-image encourages every child to accomplish his or her unique God-given mission.


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