Q: What are the school hours?
A: Preschool hours are from 8:30am to 3:30pm for full day, 8:30am – 12:00pm for half day. Students in grades K-8 are dropped off between 8:00 and 8:15 and picked up at 3:15.
Q: What are the class sizes at Trinity School?
A: Trinity strives to maintain a small class size of 17-22 students per classroom for grades K-8. In Pre-Kindergarten, we are licensed to have 18-20 students, depending on the classroom. Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade classes have a teacher and an assistant teacher in each classroom.
Q: Do students wear uniforms at Trinity School?
A: Yes. All students in PreK 3 through 8th grade wear a school uniform. Please refer to the School Uniforms page under the Parents tab on our website.
Q: Does Trinity School have a lunch program?
A: Parents have the option to send lunch in with their child, or order online from the Lunch Box Program. Lunches can be ordered online ahead of time. Lunches may be ordered for all full-day students in PreK 3 through 8th grade.
Q: Does Trinity School have transportation services?
A: No, Trinity does not provide transportation for students.
Q: Is Religion a required class?
A: Yes. Trinity School is a Catholic, independent school, and Religion is a core subject and part of the curriculum for each grade.
Q: Does Trinity School offer before/after care?
A: Yes. Trinity Extended Day (TED) is offered in the mornings from 7:00 until the start of school, and after school until 5:30pm. TED is not offered when school is closed or inclement weather days. TED is at an additional cost, and separate from enrollment. A TED contract will not be extended for a student who does not yet have a signed school enrollment contract. Enrolling your child at Trinity does NOT guarantee a spot in TED.
Q: What health forms are required for my child to attend Trinity School?
A: All immunization forms, a health inventory, and emergency form are required BEFORE a student may begin school at Trinity. For specific details and additional required forms, please see the Health Office Information page under the Parents tab on our website.
Q: What if my child has allergies?
A: Trinity’s Pre-Kindergarten is nut-free. We have a Nut Safe and Allergy Awareness policy in Primary and Middle School. Please refer to the Trinity School Handbook under the Parents tab on our website.
Q: Does Trinity accept students with Educational Testing/IEP?
A: Applications for students with Educational Testing/IEP are reviewed by the Division Director to make sure that Trinity School can meet the child’s needs. Acceptance is on a case-by-case basis. Educational Testing/IEP must be submitted along with the application or before applying.
Q: Does Trinity School offer Tuition Assistance?
A: Yes. Families must complete the application for Tuition Assistance to be considered. Please see the Tuition Assistance page under the Admissions Tab on our website..
Q: What is Trinity Pre-Kindergarten’s toilet training policy?
A: All children enrolled in Trinity’s Pre-Kindergarten must be fully toilet trained. Diapers and/or pull-ups are not permitted. Students must be able to wipe themselves and pull their pants/jumpers up and down independently. Please refer to the Toilet Training Policy, under the Parents tab on our website.
Q: How often will my child have recess?
A: Pre-Kindergarten and Primary grades (K-4th) have recess twice a day. Middle school grades (5th-8th) have recess once a day.
Q: What extracurricular activities does Trinity School offer?
A: Trinity offers a range of after school/extracurricular activities. Soccer Club is available for PreK 4 – 4th grade. Chess Wizards, Sports Club, Weird Nature and Science, and Game Design clubs are offered in primary grades. For grades 2-8, we have basketball, and for grades 5-8 we have cross country, and track and field. Beginning in 4th grade students may join the band. For middle school grades, Trinity offers handbell choir, choir, and drama club. Clubs may vary year to year depending on student interest, but may include Girls on the Run, cooking, robotics, American sign language, creative writing, anime, crocheting, and computer coding, among others. Clubs may change seasonally, and some may not be offered each session.
Q: What technology is used at Trinity School?
A: Students in grades K-2 use ipads in the classroom. Grades 3-4 use school-issued laptops in the classroom. School-issued laptops (Microsoft Surface SE) are assigned for each student in grades 5-8 to use throughout the school year at home and in the classroom.
Q: What is Trinity School’s cell phone policy?
A: Pre-Kindergarten and primary school students are not permitted to have a cell phone on campus. Middle school students are discouraged from bringing them, as they are a distraction and are not necessary. Phones are available in each classroom, with permission from a teacher. If a middle school student chooses to bring a cell phone to school, they must be turned off and kept in a locker.