Trinity School's Kindergarten Transition Program is for children who will be age five by October 15, or those who may closely meet the Kindergarten age requirement but would benefit from the K-Transitional year. Children move through developmental stages at different rates and in different ways. Trinity’s K-Transitional Program provides time, space, and expert teacher facilitation for children to continue maturing, to integrate learning skills, and to practice social relationships. A child leaves the K-Transitional Program with confidence and academically prepared to begin the elementary years.
A Snapshot of the Student
Child’s play is child’s work. Within the stimulating classroom environment, the child, peers, and teachers make choices as they explore learning areas and materials. Using language and intentional relationships, students make plans anticipating what they intend to do, how, and with whom. Teachers guide the child’s articulation of the plan and facilitate the child’s reflection on completed work to instill self-awareness and independence in learning.
During project work, students design, create, and represent ideas and discoveries through conversation, art, writing, and inventing. Teachers value students’ graphic language whether expressed in a painting, a sculpture, or in written words. The visual representation of children’s ideas becomes increasingly deliberate as teachers record and read back. Thus, children establish the foundation for later formal reading and writing instruction.
The K-Transitional Program’s Curriculum will follow the regular PreK4 curriculum for the first months of school. In the second half of the school year elements of the kindergarten curriculum will be introduced.