Admissions Process


The Admissions Process

Availability is limited. Please call 443-498-5040 to inquire about a spot for your child.

October 1st:  Admissions process begins for the following school year. Shadow visits begin.

February 1st:  Applications due for the following school year

First week of February:  Assessments for prospective Kindergarten students

February 18th:  Acceptances for new students emailed and enrollment contracts issued

September 30th:  Last day to submit applications if applying for the current school year

To be considered for admission into Trinity School, please complete the following steps:

For Pre-Kindergarten:

(Students applying for Pre-Kindergarten must be 3 or 4 years old by September 1st of the enrollment year.)
  1. Complete our Inquiry Form so we know you're interested.
  2. Attend an Open House or take a private tour.
  3. Submit an application (non-refundable $100 fee). If your child has educational testing/IEP it must be submitted to the Admissions Office prior to applying, to see if we have the resources to support your child's needs. 
  4. Upload a copy of child's birth certificate.
  5. If child has been enrolled in daycare or preschool, please have the daycare director or preschool teacher fill out this form and submit directly to the Admissions Office - AIMS Common Referral Form Grades PK-1.
  6. Applicants for Pre-Kindergarten attend a Discovery Day. A parent and child participate in the classroom activities for an hour so you can gather more information about our program and teachers. The Pre-Kindergarten Director will meet with the family, and the child will be assessed using the Preschool Brigance Assessment tool. Contact the Admissions Office for available dates.
Apply Now

Please Note: All students must be independently toilet-trained by the first day of school. Diapers and Pull-Ups are not permitted.


For Kindergarten:

(Students applying for Kindergarten must be 5 years old by September 1st of the enrollment year.)
  1. Please complete our Inquiry Form so we know you're interested.
  2. Attend an Open House or take a private tour.
  3. Submit an application (non-refundable $100 fee). If your child has educational testing/IEP it must be submitted to the Admissions Office prior to applying, to see if we have the resources to support your child's needs.
  4. Upload a copy of child's birth certificate, and submit progress report from preschool, if applicable.
  5. Have the daycare director or preschool teacher fill out the AIMS Common Referral Form Grades PK-1 and submit directly to the Admissions Office.
  6. All applicants complete an assessment for Kindergarten readiness. 
Apply Now


For Grades 1-4:

  1. Please complete our Inquiry Form so we know you're interested.
  2. Attend an Open House or take a private tour.
  3. Submit an application (non-refundable $100 fee).  If your child has educational testing/IEP it must be submitted to the Admissions Office prior to applying, to see if we have the resources to support your child's needs.
  4. Upload a copy of child's birth certificate.
  5. Submit copies of the last two full years of student's report cards, and results of the most recent standardized testing. Please fill out and send the Records Release Form to your child's current school. Records Release Form
  6. Have a current teacher submit teacher recommendation AIMS Common Referral Form Grades 2-8 directly to the Admissions Office.
  7. Applicants for grades 1-4 attend a Student Shadow Day at Trinity School. Contact the Admissions Office to schedule.
  8. All primary school applicants interview with the Director of Primary School, and complete an assessment in reading, writing, and math. The Director of Primary School will contact you for a mutually agreeable date/time.
Apply Now


For Grades 5-8:

  1. Please complete our Inquiry Form so we know you're interested.
  2. Attend an Open House or take a private tour.
  3. Submit an application (non-refundable $100 fee). If your child has educational testing/IEP it must be submitted to the Admissions Office prior to applying, to see if we have the resources to support your child's needs.
  4. Upload a copy of child's birth certificate.
  5. Submit copies of the last two full years of student's report cards, and results of the most recent standardized testing. Please fill out and send the Records Release Form to your child's current school.  Records Release Form
  6. Have a current teacher submit the teacher recommendation AIMS Common Referral Form Grades 2-8 directly to the Admissions Office.
  7. Applicants for grades 5-8 attend a Student Shadow Day at Trinity School. Contact the Admissions Office to schedule.
  8. All middle school applicants interview with the Director of Middle School and submit a writing sample. The Director of Middle School will contact you for a mutually agreeable date/time.
Apply Now



For students applying to the Julie & TASP Program:

  1. If applicable, submit your child's complete and most recent educational testing and/or IEP/504 Plan prior to applying for enrollment. The Julie Program Director will review the information to determine if the program has the resources to meet your child's needs.
  2. Submit documentation of clinically diagnosed learning difference(s). Please include all of the following, if available:

a: Updated psychoeducational testing (completed within the last three years)
b: IEP
c: 504 Plan

      3.The Director of the Julie Program will conduct a parent interview to obtain more information about the
         student's strength and needs. 

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