Tuition Assistance

Tuition Assistance


The provision of a quality education for our children, commensurate with the Christian values of Trinity School and the philosophy of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, demands a certain sacrifice on the part of all parents. The cost of retaining qualified teachers, maintaining school facilities, and providing faculty with the tools needed to sustain a vigorous academic program continues to increase.

The Trinity Board of Trustees and Administration are aware that the tuition needed to cover these costs may exceed the amount that some families can reasonably be expected to afford.

Trinity School offers need-based tuition assistance to students in Kindergarten through the 8th Grade. It is not a loan, and the awarded amount is applied to the student's tuition balance. Trinity School does not award 100% of the tuition cost. Applications are handled in strict confidence. FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment, who currently services our monthly tuition payment plan, conducts the financial need analysis. All new applicants must complete the Trinity Admission process prior to applying for tuition assistance. 

All Tuition Assistance Recipients must complete the following steps: 

Step 1: Complete the FACTS Grant & Aid online application. The Trinity School ID Code is: 2850. The fee is $35. Payment methods: Credit, Debit, ACH.

Step 2: Upload your Federal Form 1040 Income Tax 2023 Return, W-2 form and supporting documentation for Social Security Income, Welfare, Child Support, Worker’s Compensation and TANF. All supporting documentation can be uploaded in .pdf format online. Documentation can also be faxed to 866-315-9264 or mailed to the address below. Please be sure to include the applicant ID on all faxed or mailed correspondence.

FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment
P.O. Box 82524
Lincoln, NE 68501-2524

If you have questions or concerns about the application process, you may speak with a FACTS Customer Care Representative at 866-441-4637. If you have questions regarding the Trinity School tuition assistance process contact Trinity School Business Office at 410-747-5559.

Tuition assistance requests remain separate from the admissions process, and do not guarantee admission into the school. 

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