If your camper has a…
Forms you need to submit:
Please bring to camp:
FOOD ALLERGY with anaphylaxis risk
(ex: allergen requires an
All non-expired medication with prescription label
FOOD ALLERGY with no anaphylaxis risk and medication at camp
(ex: allergen causes hives, treated with Benadryl)
All non-expired medication with prescription label
FOOD ALLERGY with no anaphylaxis risk and no medication
This is not an option. If your child has a known food allergy, the MD Dept of Health requires us to have medication for them at camp. Please see row above for requirements.
NON-FOOD ALLERGY with anaphylaxis risk and medication at camp
(ex: bee sting with EpiPen)
All non-expired medication with prescription label
NON-FOOD ALLERGY with no anaphylaxis risk and medication at camp
(ex: pollen allergy with Benadryl)
Non-expired medication in original packaging
NON-FOOD ALLERGY with no medication at camp
(ex: seasonal allergies with meds taken at home)
No additional forms needed- only Camp Docs Health Profile completed to reflect the allergy
Nothing needed
Non-expired inhaler with prescription label
Health issue requiring non-emergency prescription medication
Non-expired medication with prescription label
Health issue requiring non-emergency over the counter (OTC) medication
Non-expired medication in original packaging