Trinity Extended Day Program

Trinity Extended Day (TED) is a licensed after-school program offering a nurturing and fun-filled environment.  We offer care for children before and after school with a balance of structured activities, free play, and homework time and afternoon snack. Students also enjoy holiday parties, such as the pumpkin patch party at Halloween, Mardi Gras, the Easter Egg Hunt, educational presentations, nature walks, and art program. Older students attending TED are provided a forum exclusively for study and homework.

We have several theme weeks throughout the year. These include a fantasy trip to the islands in mid-winter during Luau Week, Insect Week when we all go a little bit "buggy" and Cinco de Mayo week in May. Other special events include: Thankful for Friendships, Catholic Schools Week, International Day, "Pot of Gold" treasure hunt during St. Patrick's week and the annual TED TOG (Tournament of Games) and end of the year water and carnival days. TED organizes several outreach projects to the Grassroots homeless shelter, the troops, local animal shelters, and local retirement communities for students to earn service points.


TED is staffed by a full-time director, part-time assistant director and multiple group leaders. Our group leaders receive 12 hours of Maryland State Core Classes and our entire TED staff is CPR/First Aid/AED certified.

TED offers a counselor-to-child ratio that is much lower than the state required 15 children to one leader. Our staff consists of caring individuals with energy and enthusiasm. They range in age from college students to senior citizens. When you have your child at TED, you have them in capable, safe, patient, and loving hands.

Facilities & Hours

TED is located throughout the Trinity campus. Children also make use of the gym, cafeteria, playground, and school grounds.

Before Care

Our before care program provides free choice play options for your child from 7:00 am until the start of the school. Our staff will accompany your child to his or her classroom when the school day is ready to begin.

After Care

After care program is offered from 3:15 pm until 5:30 pm. Your child will receive a snack, get help with homework and participate in indoor and outdoor activities.  


Registration is required for TED. Please contact us at (410) 455-9825 or [email protected] for more information.

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